Stop Trading Hours for Dollars and Start Making GOOD Money Easily!

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Passive Income Game Plan is your one-stop-shop to demystifying passive income and learning how to incorporate it into your business model now, with or without a big audience.

Stop trading hours for dollars

& start making gOOD money easily!

Passive Income Game Plan is your one-stop-shop to demystifying passive income and learning how to incorporate it into your business model now, with or without a big audience.

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How to Incorporate Passive Income Into Your Current Business MASTERCLASS

Special One-Time Offer, Only $37!Get access to an in-depth masterclass that will teach you how to incorporate passive income INTO your existing business so you can stop leaving money on the table.

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Wanna make more money WITHOUT putting in a million extra hours?

Making money in your sleep sounds crazy, but it's totally possible! I see you, I know you, I was you - and I've built my business on passive income so I can make more money AND still have the freedom to do what I want to do, when I want to do it.

Passive Income Game Plan is here for you to learn #allthethings that helped me go from a burnt-out and broke web designer to a six-figure business owner that works part-time hours.

stop wasting your time and start making money!

No really, imagine with me for a second!

Wonder what passive income can do for you?

Here's just a few things in a VERY long list...

Stop letting clients rule your life. Listen, client work is great, we need do-ers in this world but I KNOW how client-work can be a drain on your energy, creativity, and time because you’ve basically got a bunch of little bosses. If you’re ready to step back (or completely away from) client work, hold on to your hat, honey.

Start helping MORE people with your awesome knowledge. You are a freakin’ smarty Arty and the world needs that knowledge you have stored in that pretty little head. With passive income you can help more people with less time.

Monetize the stuff you're already doing! Imma bet you’re creating content pretty regularly, huh? Like, you probably post on Instagram or are active on stories, maybe you’re a TikToker, a podcaster or a YouTuber. You are already creating that content, why not monetize it?!?



I've been where you are, and there's

a better way, I swear.

You might be thinking, "but I just started out... am I actually ready for passive income?" Or, "I barely have an audience, what's the point? I PROMISE you there is one!

You didn’t start your business to be miserable, over-worked, burnt-out and broke! You started your business so you could live a life on your own terms, so why not start now?!?

I wish I wouldn’t have waited, I wish I would have started incorporating passive income at the BEGINNING of my business. This is NOT something to sleep on.

imagine the life you could have!

Now introducing...

passive income game plan

A freakin’ jam-packed bundle of goodies to put you on the path to passive income!

What's Included:


What is passive income & how can you get started?

Use this video lesson to really get familiar with the 4 types of passive income that you can incorporate into your revenue streams NOW.


Affiliate Marketing Workbook

Affiliate marketing is one the EASIEST ways to make passive income and I’m giving you all the details in this workbook, including how to apply to programs and how to make sure people click!


50 Digital Product Ideas

Digital products are probably the 1st place that most businesses start incorporating passive income in but you can also get stuck on WHAT you should create…not anymore, not with this idea list!


How to turn your service into a course!

Aw, man, this is a GOOD training! I’m going to walk you step-by-step through how to turn the service you’re doing now into a course so you can work less and make the moolah!


Answering the question: Do you have to have a big audience to take advantage of passive income?

This mini-training will answer this SUPER POPULAR question and get you started on the right path for you, right now, wherever you are in your audience building journey!

passive income is coming your way baby

Passive Income Game Plan Will Help

You Learn How To...

incorporate passive income into your EXISTING business so that You can make MORE money or even stop taking on as much done-for-you work.

turn your service into a course so that you can help more people in less time. Ooh, and you can also work less too.

build your audience easily to maximize the income from your passive income streams AND have more people to sell to all the time!

Let's talk about the bonuses, shall we?

learn how to build your audience easily

The bigger the audience, the better, with anything you’re doing in biz. You’ll get a BONUS audio-training to teach you how to build an audience, easily.

Digital product blueprint

Get even MORE info on creating and selling digital products so you can get started today making that easy money.

guide to content marketing

Hint: You need to market your passive income and the BEST way to do that is with your content, so this guide is an in-depth look at the HOW of content marketing.

Don't miss out on this!

passive income game plan

passive income training

passive income training VALUE $37

50 digital product ideas

50 digital product ideas value $17

service to course training value $150

service to course training

audience building trainings

audience building trainings VALUE $100

digital product blueprint

digital product blueprint VALUE $27

content marketing guide

content marketing guide VALUE $97

Value $37

Value $17

Value $150

Value $100

Value $27

Value $97

Total Value = $428

Today’s Price:
