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Tired of trading hours for dollars?

learn how to launch a course super fast!

Get complete access to the Crash Course™ Toolkit templates, trainings, and processes so you can plug and play your way to your very first (successful) course.

Tired of Trading Hours for Dollars?

Learn to Launch A Course Fast with Crash Course Toolkit!

Get complete access to the Crash Course™ Toolkit templates, trainings, and processes so you can plug and play your way to your very first (successful) course.

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Course Tech Deck

Get my Course Tech Deck for just $27!So, you're not techy?! You don't need to be, ESPECIALLY with this tech deck! I'm breaking down #allthethings you need to know to create and host the course of your dreams. This offer is only available right now, so don't miss out. 🙂

Order Summary
Please select at least one item to proceed!

As a service-provider, coach, or small biz owner, have you ever wished you could make money in your sleep and stop trading doll-hairs for hours?

You’ve probably seen businesses go from overworked and underpaid to massive launches with an online course and thought, “Man, I want to do that!”

So you want to create your own course, but you have NO IDEA where to get started!

I talk to business owners every day just like you

They want to package up their awesome knowledge and sell it in an online course but…

They're confused by the tech.

Tech is hard and when you’re trying to do something new and different, not knowing where to start from a technical aspect can be paralyzing.

They're afraid it won't be valuable.

So many business owners worry that their students won’t get results!

They don't think they have the audience. Selling something like a course requires an audience who wants to buy it and a lot of people just don’t think they’re there yet.



Imma bust all those myths for you and show you how to hit the easy button on course creation and launching.

After talking to and coaching thousands of business owners who *want* to create an online course, the fact that they don't do it always comes down to ONE thing...


All the moving pieces of building a course and being successful are daunting, so daunting, that a lot of people never even get started.

I'm about to completely erase that overwhelm from your brain though, so buckle up baby.

no really...

Crash Course Toolkit

There's so much awesomeness inside, let me show you...

course planning + launch planning templates

for trello, clickup, and google sheets

You read that right! Get templates that you can import straight into Trello, ClickUp, or Google sheets that will help you plan your course and plan a successful launch! Checklists of to-do items included!

walk away with:

course ideation + customer journey maps

Map out your entire course and MAKE SURE your customer has results with these easy-to-use worksheets!

walk away with:

Sales page copy template

Never wonder again what you should write on your course sales page. This guide gives you prompts, examples, and ideas to use to write your sales page in NO TIME.

walk away with:

Course pricing guide

Never wonder again how much you should charge for your course, I’m breaking it down entirely in this pricing guide!

walk away with:

value stack worksheet

Are you worried that your future students won’t get the value that they’re looking for in your course? This worksheet will help them do just that because it’ll help YOU figure out exactly what that is!

walk away with:

and drumroll please....


sanity saving method!

training: how to reverse engineer your course so you can actually get it done

This training will show you my exact proven method to reverse engineer your course creation and launch success so you don’t lose your marbles!


tiny audience guarantee!

case study: how i went from course launch flop to course launch success with a tiny audience

I went from launching my first course and literally selling ZERO to launching my 2nd course SUCCESSFULLY just a few months later and I’m sharing all the details in this case study.


conversion secret

how to sweeten the deal on your course launch to increase sales without overwhelming students

SO MANY PEOPLE get this wrong. You can sweeten the deal on your course without creating MORE WORK for your student and I break it all down in this bonus training!


turn up the excitement

make your phone cha-ching when you make a sale!

This is something I set up YEARS ago and it’s still my favorite sound. Learn how to make sure your phone encourages you with each sale.


i'm basically giving this away!

get in on this offer before it's too late!

crash course toolkit

course + launch trainings

course + launch planning template VALUE $297

customer + course journey maps

customer journey + ideation maps value $397

sales page copy and pricing guides value $697

sales page copy and pricing guides

value stack worksheet

value stack worksheet value $197

bonus case study

bonus case study VALUE $197

bonus trainings

bonus trainings $597

Value $297

Value $497

Value $697

Value $197

Value $197

Value $597

Total Value = $2,482

Today’s Price:


Somebody needs the information you were made to teach! I want to help you create a course that helps your people AND makes you money.

But I get it, why should you trust me?

I not only PERSONALLY have multiple successful courses and course launches under my belt but I’ve also helped hundreds of students, clients, and followers do the same!

One of my clients had a $50,000 course launch for her first course ever with a TEENY TINY audience, and I sold my first successful course and replaced my web design income with about 500 people on my email list.

I’m a little sassy, and a little southern, but I’m ALWAYS straight-forward, strategic, and only interested in results, not fluff.

I’m a no-fluff allowed teacher and if you want to get results, I’m the weird data nerd that can make sure you get them. I’ve even been told hundreds of times that I was able to help people understand something they’d spent MONTHS trying to get a grasp on.

Most importantly, *I* believe in *YOU* and your ability to create that course you’ve been thinking of or come up with a course that people are BEGGING for. I truly believe that EVERYONE can have a successful course (or 12), you just have to have the right pieces to the puzzle and thankfully, I’m handing you those pieces.

Know what? I get it, buying things for your business under the promise that it’ll “change your life” and “make you more money” is freakin’ scary. I have been at a point in my life and business before where spending $47 on something that may not work was a risk I couldn’t take, I understand, so, here’s the dealio.

The products, trainings, and templates in this bundle are TOP LEVEL and I can guarantee that, so, if you’re not satisfied with the quality of what you’re delivered, I’ll happily give you a full refund within 14 days of purchase.

You're about to hit BUY NOW on some really good stuff.

You've Got Questions? I've Got Answers!

I don't have time to build a course, I'm too busy with everything else I do!

That is LITERALLY why I created this – to save you time and headache. Map out your course, plan your launch, do it all basically in no time at all! And, omg, think of the freedom you’ll have when your course is selling like hotcakes without much work on your part!

What if I'm not techy?

You truly do not have to be a tech genius to create and sell a successful online course and this bundle is gonna help you cut out a lot of the work!

BUT if you want to learn more about the tech behind course creation, click to add the "Course Tech Deck" to your order up at the checkout - it's an exclusive offer that will help your non-techy self!

What if I don't have an audience?

You don’t need a big audience to sell an online course and you can simultaneously build an audience while you build your course (that’s the magic sauce). One of my clients went from ZERO audience to less than 200 people in 12 weeks and had a $50,000 launch. And, low-priced courses, can be a great way to audience build all in itself.

I have no clue what I want to sell or who I want to sell to...

No prob Bob! This (ya know, this thing you’re about to buy) will literally help you narrow down your idea, figure out who you’re selling to, and map out your course – FAST and EASY baby, that’s the name of the game.

Create Your First (or best!) Online Course Now!

i can't believe i'm giving this away for $47!

last chance to get in on this!

crash course toolkit


course + launch trainings

customer + course journey maps






Bonus case studies


bonus trainings

bonus trainings value $597

Value $297

Value $497

Value $697

Value $197

Value $197

Value $597

Total Value = $2,482

Today’s Price:


I'm literally handing you the secret to success! Don't miss out!