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affiliate Marketing Mastery

Wanna make EXTRA money with no stress and basically no work?!?

I’m gonna bet that’s a HELL YES, right?! Well, that’s why I created Affiliate Marketing Mastery.

It Feels Like A Dream, Right!?



When I first started my business I was making 100% of my income from the service I was providing (web and graphic design) and it was slowly killing me because EVERY SINGLE CLIENT took sooooo much time. Heck, even when I started selling online courses, I was in a constant cycle of create - launch - create - launch just to keep my income where I needed it.

ALL I WANTED was to be able to take a step back and still make money and it felt like a DREAM to possibly make money in my sleep.

Ah, the ol’ make money while you’re sleeping dream - I think we all have it, right?

But, there’s 10,000 options out there…

Do you create a sales funnel to make money in your sleep?

Maybe you should create digital products and sell them on Etsy?

Or maybe you need to finally create that online course.

But, you’ve heard about affiliate marketing and you’re intrigued because it seems like a lot less work than any of the other options.

Well, it is! Making money as an affiliate for OPPs (other people’s products) is one of the FASTEST and EASIEST ways to passive income and I created Affiliate Marketing Mastery to teach you how to do it ASAP.

Affiliate Marketing Mastery is THE Course for you if...

Raise your hand if any of these apply to you!

(If you're here, I'm pretty positive at least one of them does - probably more!)






You’re currently creating (or want to start creating) any type of content on the Internet.

You want to make money while you’re catching ZZZZs.

You have an existing business where you can incorporate affiliate links.

You like things and like to tell your friends about them!

People often ask you where you got something or how to do something.

Affiliates Changed The Game For My Business!

When I had under 500 email list subscribers, I was already making enough money from ONE affiliate to pay for someone to edit my podcast, schedule guests, manage my inbox, and more, which freed up SO MUCH time for me to continue to grow the brand and business.

Ya know... You HEAR about people making $10k from affiliate marketing or $200,000 a month from affiliates or even $100/month from affiliates but you probably don’t actually believe it or you don’t see how YOU can make it happen.

But, go with me for a second -

Think about your idea scenario where you’re going to the gym and your affiliate links are making money while you’re there, or you’re on vacation and your affiliate links are making money for you, or maybe you’re launching a new product and you’re all tied up in that launch and worried about the numbers but you’re not THAT worried because your affiliate links have got your back.

It’s a thing, it’s possible, and YOU can do it.

Now introducing...

Affiliate Marketing mastery

Let's Talk About What's Inside!



Affiliate marketing 101

So, you wanna get started with affiliate marketing? This module is a detailed overview of how it all works together so that you can ACTUALLY make money in your sleep.

walk away with:

The MOST important part of affiliate marketing

The secret to getting more clicks on your affiliate links

How to get the most out of your affiliate relationships



The Most important part (the secret sauce)

You can sign up for affiliate accounts all day, every day... but unless you know the SECRET SAUCE in my affiliate marketing strategy, you won't get too far.

walk away with:

My top secret tips for maximizing your affiliate marketing strategy

The truth about audience size

The reality of affiliate marketing



choosing who to partner with

Affiliate marketing works best when you promote products and services that you use and love - and it completely fails when you share stuff you and your audience don't really care about. That's why I'm breaking down all the ins and outs of choosing your affiliate partners!

walk away with:

My foolproof method to deciding the best partnerships for your brand & audience

How to get the most "bang for your buck" in affiliate relationships

My three-tiered method to affiliate marketing



promoting your affiliate links

Now comes the part that really matters - sharing and promoting your links! You've picked out your favorite brands and you're ready to share it with your audience. But how do you do it in a way that's genuine AND convinces people to click? I'll make it easy peasy.

walk away with:

The differences in passive linking and active linking

How to incorporate affiliate links into your existent content strategy

How to create content that convinces people to click



putting it all together

Finish off Affiliate Marketing Mastery with a rundown of how ALL of this strategy works together!

walk away with:

From sign-up to promotion stages

How to keep your affiliate links relevant to your audience

BONUS: Using paid ads to drive affiliate sales

It doesn't matter if you're a...

  • Product-Based Business
  • Service provider
  • Course-based business
  • Digital Product creator
  • Newbie
  • Seasoned business owner

If you want to increase your bottom line with affiliate marketing YOU CAN DO IT.

you get all this good stuff!

This is going to be life CHANGING, you have my word!

This is the lowest-priced course I've offered in a LONG time.

You get INSTANT access so you can start applying what you learn NOW.

These modules will legit step you through actually making money from affiliates, not just signing up for the affiliate program and then forgetting to promote your affiliate link.

Oh, and did I mention that you can get started today for as little as $79?!?


One-Time Payment


4 Monthly Payments


If you’re sitting there thinking, “this all sounds great Jessica because don’t I need a big audience to make this happen?”

No Susie, you don’t.

There are a TON of ways to make REALLY good money through affiliates without having a massive audience and we dive deep into that in Affiliate Marketing Mastery.

Frequently Asked Questions.

Is there a payment plan?

You betcha! I want to make Affiliate Marketing Mastery super accessible to you, so there are two payment options: a one-time payment of $297, or 4 payments of $79.

You can choose the option that works best for you at checkout! Either way, you'll get access to the course immediately.

Do I get access forever?

You'll have access to Affiliate Marketing Mastery for as long as you have an internet connection, including all future updates I make to the course!

When do I get access?

Immediately after purchase! You'll get an email from Teachable with more details on how to access the course as soon as you check out, and an email from me with info about your bonuses. If you check out and don't receive an email from Teachable, you can send us an email at and we'll get you squared away.

What if I don't even know what affiliate marketing is?

Then you'll want to start with Module 1 ;)

But really, Affiliate Marketing Mastery is for ANYONE who has interest in affiliate marketing, even if you aren't quite sure what it means or looks like in your business. If you want a quick intro to make sure it's a good fit for you, you can check out some of my YouTube videos on it here. (I promise it is - making money in your sleep is a no-brainer!!)

I am SO CONFIDENT that you're gonna love Affiliate Marketing Mastery...

That I have a 100% satisfaction guarantee!

I get it, buying things for your business under the promise that it’ll “change your life” and “make you more money” is freakin’ scary. I have been at a point in my life and business before where spending $297 (or even $79/mo) on something that may not work was a risk I couldn’t take, I understand, so, here’s the dealio.

Affiliate Marketing Mastery is a TOP LEVEL course and I can guarantee that, so, if you’re not satisfied with the quality of what you’re delivered, I’ll happily give you a full refund within 30 days of purchase.

don't miss out on this deal!

Affiliate Marketing Mastery


Affiliate marketing 101 module

affiliate partnerships module


promoting your links module


Affiliate Marketing Tracker doc

Affiliate marketing tracker doc VALUE $97

Value $247

Value $247

Value $247

Value $97

Total Value = $838

Today’s Price:


What are you waiting for?! Get Affiliate Marketing Mastery today!