As Seen On

Make $10k in 90 Days with

your first online course

no audience, no ideas, no problem!

Tuesday, April 19 at 12 PM EDT

I know you wanna stop trading hours for dollars and make money in your sleep with a course... But you have no clue where to start. Trust me - I'm about to change that!

During this Webinar, You'll Learn...

walk away with:


my 4-step method to a successful course

I'm breaking down my PROVEN four-step method to creating AND SELLING an online course... in just 90 days. No really, it's possible! And it doesn't matter if you already have an audience.

walk away with:

How to choose the RIGHT topic for your course

How to MARKET your course to actually make sales

How to GROW your audience while you work on your course

How (and when) you should CREATE your course

walk away with:


what you actually need in place to launch an online course

You've heard a million and one things you need in place to create a sell a course... but you really don't need most of them! I'll break down EXACTLY what you need to place to create and sell a course - no extra "fluff."

walk away with:

Which platform(s) you need to be on to actually sell your course

The ideal client/customer for your course

Content marketing tips that will help sell your course FOR you

My super secret tip on creating your course!

walk away with:


how my student maDe $50k on her first launch

AKA proof that my method WORKS! I'm sharing a mini case study from one of my students who had an AMAZING first course launch - and made that $50k with NO audience to start!

walk away with:

An example of how my student went from burnt-out service provider to course creator

How to grow your audience WHILE you work on your course

The magic that comes from finding and targeting your ideal client

Inspiration for your own launch!

A Personal Invitation from Moi, Jessica Stansberry.

Hey howdy Hey! If we’re just meeting, ‘sup, I’m Jessica (you can call me Jess, Jessie, J, Stansberry, I legit don’t care, ha) and I launched my first course in 2015…

And guess what? It sold ZERO. Zip. Zilch. Nada.

Since then, I’ve learned a few things about how to create and sell courses… I even have a few 6-figure courses sitting on my shelf.

I’ve helped hundreds of students and clients create and launch their first (or their first successful) course from scratch, with both large and small audiences. All those “I don’t know’s” floating around in your head? I’m here to help you figure ’em out!

And I totally believe that YOU can do the same thing! You don’t wanna miss this – so save your seat!